The People Catalyst

Workplace Mediation

What Is Mediation

A process by where an independent third party (the mediator) helps two or more people who are in conflict (the parties) talk about their situation, exchange their concerns and work towards a resolution.

Mediation is flexible and can be tailored to the specific circumstances that best suit the parties.

Does Mediation Work?

All that is needed for mediation to work is a genuine desire of the parties involved in a dispute to want to settle their differences supported by the facilitative skills of the Mediator.

Why Mediation?

When conflict is managed badly or avoided it can and does lead to resentment which festers and can encourage grudges to develop – not good if you have to work closely with that person.

Left unresolved there is a strong likelihood that the issue will come up again, perhaps under a different guise. As bad feelings are still held this can lead to sabotaging a persons goals and ultimately the organisations aims and objectives.

What Types Of Issues Are Suitable For Mediation

Mediation is particularly useful in the following areas:

The above is not an exhaustive list if your uncertain of whether your case is suitable for mediation feel free to give us a call for a no-obligations chat

Further information on our mediation services:

Mediation Feedback

" Lilian was excellent! "
- Tina
" I was very impressed. I learned about myself as well as gaining useful insight into the difficult situation. The opportunity to ‘clear the air’ in a collaborative environment was priceless. I also felt that Lilian’s use of ‘gentle’ probing encouraged deeper feelings to emerge. Thank you. "
- Dan
" I am grateful to Lilian. She has helped enormously with a very difficult situation. "
- Tom
" A difficult case, requiring a large proportion of time to be focused on parties, I felt this was done sensitively and effectively. "
- Chris
" The mediator was very good. The process highlighted some issues that we were able to address and resolve. Thanks! "
- Doug

If you'd like to discuss your situation, or would like to find out more, please get in touch:

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